Sunday, March 13, 2011

Church planting and root-beer jellybeans

Dear Holy Trinity folks,

We're 5 month old. Babies! We gathered at the Josephine Theater just 5 months ago and now is a good time to revisit what it means to be on our launch team.  It can only help us to be crystal clear what is expected of those who are called to help launch Holy Trinity Anglican Church.  Not everyone is called or committed to be a launch team member.  In fact, at this point, it's better to have 35 who are "sold out" for Holy Trinity's vision than 200 who want a chaplaincy ministry - even if the 200 are a pleasant lot!  We are still in the phase of forming the DNA for Holy Trinity and these are important days.  I'm sure the first year of Christ Church firmly established its DNA for the next 100 years!

Here's what launch team members look like...

They are exuberantly positive - the first to arrive and the last to leave; ready to jump in to help before they're asked.

Their hearts are broken for those who don't yet know the love of God.  They invite unchurched neighbors and friends and coworkers.

They are agile and flexible, willing to change anything - ANYTHING - to better reach San Antonio for Christ.

They attend worship every week unless a giant dead rodent has blocked the road, and are fully engaged with one another in Christian love (Alpha and home groups)

They generously and sacrificially give because they 100% believe in HT as a ministry that will make a difference for the Kingdom of God.

They are nice and like root-beer jellybeans.

Thanks for prayerfully considering being on our launch team.  God has amazing things planned for our future, but not everyone is called to be on the ground floor of this ministry.  Is this your calling?


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