Monday, March 7, 2011

Will "revival" come to Holy Trinity?

Holy Trinity has been up and running for less than 5 months - that's all, 5 months! - and we have every reason to be thankful.  Our worship is amazing and Spirit-filled, and many of us are coming to know Christ better and reaching out to others with the good news of the Gospel. We've followed the Lord, I believe, the best we know how, and a powerful vision for our future.

So what's missing?  Could it be the concerted, whole-hearted prayer that accompanies every "revival" that I read about in Christian history?  It's not that we don't pray - most of us are praying every day for Holy Trinity Church.  But there's a difference between praying for our church and throwing ourselves at the feet of our sovereign, powerful God beseeching Him - begging Him - for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on us and on our city.

Close your eyes for a minute and envision the Holy Spirit moving in and among us, the families and individuals that compose Holy Trinity.  Can you see him healing hurts, convicting us of our pride and bitterness, and molding and shaping our hearts after His heart for our city?  Can you see dry, lifeless bones coming together with flesh, and God breathing into us (Ezekiel 37)?

God, please deepen in us our dependence on You and You alone!

O God our joy and our confidence,
You are the humblest and yet strongest; unchanging and yet the author of all change.
Pour upon Holy Trinity Church the power of your Holy Spirit;
Fill us full to overflowing,
So that we will be strongly humble and humbly strong;
Change our hearts and be our refuge and strength;
When we meet, be pleased and rejoice over us with gladness and singing.
This we ask through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen 

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